
Armando Rosario Lebron is an entomologist, educator, and community outreach specialist with extensive expertise in insect taxonomy, microscopy, electric vehicles and sustainable agriculture. With a passion for protecting biodiversity and advancing public understanding of entomology, Armando has led innovative research and educational initiatives that connect scientific discovery with practical applications for communities worldwide.


Armando has performed in diverse roles, including as a film and television entomological consultant and a Technical Editor for the Southwestern Entomologist. He has extensive experience in insect and spider biology, experimental design, and developing innovative tools for entomological research. His leadership in multiple organizations and committees highlights his dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and promoting sustainable practices across fields.



Armando's unique expertise as an entomological consultant for film and television brings unparalleled authenticity to projects portraying the natural world. His deep knowledge of arthropods and their behavior ensures accurate and compelling representations in visual media. Through his work, Armando combines his scientific background with storytelling to engage audiences and foster a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of the natural world.